COVID-19 has severely affected the hospitality and dining industry and other businesses across the San Gabriel Valley. The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments are excited to partner together and host a webinar that provides recommendations and resources for San Gabriel Valley jurisdictions to support business owners and boost their local economies.
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Tunua Thrash-Ntuk
Executive Director, LISC LA
A native Angeleno, Tunua Thrash-Ntukis the Executive Director of Los Angeles Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISCLA). She is a seasoned community and economic development practitioner of more than 15-years with both non-profit and private sector experiences. Her strengths range from community advocacy to asset and real estate development around neighborhood revitalization. Prior to joining LISC, Tunua served as Executive Director of West Angeles Community Development Corporation, during her tenure she was responsible for the asset management and oversight of the WACDC real estate portfolio valued at $150 million. Tunua serves as a board member or advisory board member to many entities, including Federal Home Loan Bank San Francisco’s Affordable Housing Council, Housing California, City of LA Measure HHH Citizens Oversight Commission, Greenlining Institute, Union Bank’s Community Advisory Board, Frontier Communications Community Advisory Board and the Los Angeles Development Fund, which is the City of Los Angeles’ New Market Tax Credit implementation group. Tunua is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)where she earned her Master’s in City Planning as well as an alumna of UC Berkeley where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Trelynd Bradley
Senior Business Development Specialist, Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development
Trelynd “Tre” Bradley serves as the recently appointed Senior Business Development Specialist for the Greater Los Angeles region in the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). Tre facilitates GO-Biz’s local and place-based economic development assistance in supporting California communities, developers, and investors. Tre additionally provides tailored no-cost consultation to businesses, corporate executives, and site location consultants looking to expand and grow in California. Before GO-Biz, Tre was the appointed Policy Analyst and Executive Fellow for the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), where he managed key projects in climate, renewable energy, and urban planning. Prior to joining the State, Tre managed a small business, served as an assistant for U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz, and interned for two airport CEOs under Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and the Ontario International Airport Authority (OIAA). Tre holds a bachelor degree in Business Economics and in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside, as well as a graduate certificate in Applied Policy and Government from California State University, Sacramento.
Bob Machuca
District Director, Business Assistance, LAEDC & SGV Economic Partnership
Bob Machuca has over 15 years of experience at the LAEDC, both at the headquarter level and in the field, coordinating numerous business attraction, retention and expansion efforts to sustain companies and the jobs they provide within Los Angeles County. Over the years, Bob has been involved in business attraction and retention proposals highlighting County strengths and helping C-level executives make a business case for relocating or retaining their operations in Los Angeles County. Prior to joining the LAEDC, Bob worked for IBM for 16 years gaining valuable experience in marketing and sales working with both large, medium, and small companies. After IBM, Bob worked for a small a high-tech company in the field of metrology (the science of measurements with applications in high-tech industry clusters). The experience working for a small high-tech company has given Bob first-hand insights and passion into what issues and challenges that small businesses have to deal with in the area of sustaining and growing their business.
At the LAEDC, Bob was instrumental in the development of the business-assistance programs, procedures, tracking systems, Business-Assistance Incentive Guide and has been part of numerous Regional Economic Development (RED) teams to attract or retain businesses and the jobs they provide in Los Angeles County. As a Senior Regional Manager for the San Gabriel Valley, he provides free assistance services to businesses in the San Gabriel Valley’s 30 cities and is often tapped for his extensive experience on high-level projects. Bob has also been involved in special projects with other organizations, such as AQMD, LA County Dept. of Public Works, LA County Public Health, working on regulations to be more “business-friendly” to the general business community. Due to Bob’s extensive experience and knowledge of the economy in the San Gabriel Valley, he is often sought after by the media and requested as speaker on economic and business-assistance for the San Gabriel Valley. Bob has assisted on the Layoff Aversion Program contracts and holds a BA in Business and Economics from Whittier College.